Special Education

Special Education Programs/Services at KAPPA III

 (As found on the NYCDOE Special Education page)

General Education with Related Services

Your child will be educated in the same classroom as non-disabled peers. He or she will receive related services, such as speech, physical therapy or counseling, in the classroom or in a separate location:

General Education with Special Education Teacher Support Services

Your child will be educated in the same classroom as non-disabled peers. He or she will receive direct or indirect Special Education Teacher Support Services (SETSS) from a special education teacher. Your child's IEP may recommend:

  • Direct SETSS
  • Indirect SETSS
  • A combination of the two

Direct SETSS

A special education teacher provides specially designed instruction part-time to a group of up to eight children. This may be in the general education classroom or somewhere else in the school.

Integrated Co-Teaching Services (part-time)

Classrooms with Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) services include students with IEPs and students without IEPs. No more than 12 (or 40 percent) of the students in the class can have IEPs.

There are two teachers—a general education teacher and a special education teacher. The teachers work together to adapt materials and modify instruction to make sure the entire class can participate.

Special Class Services (part-time)

Special Class (SC) services are provided in a separate classroom. All of the children in the class have IEPs with needs that cannot be met in a general education classroom. They are taught by special education teachers who provide specialized instruction. 

Special classes have up to 12 students. In high school, special classes have up to 15 students. The students in the class are within a three-year age range and have similar educational needs.

Special Education Compensatory Services

DOE students have benefitted greatly from the return to in-person learning and academic recovery efforts (including Special Education Recovery Services) provided during the 2021-22 school year. However, some students still have gaps caused by periods of blended and remote learning. During the 2022-23 school year, IEP teams will make individualized decisions as to whether each student with an IEP requires “compensatory” specialized instruction or related services to address gaps in progress or skill regression caused by an inability to benefit from remote instruction or missed services due to the pandemic.

Your child’s IEP will include a new page that indicates whether the IEP team (of which you are a member) determined that compensatory services are required, the reason(s) for the recommendation, and a list of recommended services, if any. If your child is recommended for compensatory services, their school will work with you to ensure services are provided.


Compensatory Services Frequently Asked Questions

What are Compensatory Services?

Compensatory services are specialized instruction and related services in addition to a student’s regular IEP recommendation. As determined by the IEP team, compensatory services may be recommended to students with IEPs to help close gaps brought on by missed services and/or an inability to benefit from blended and remote learning during the pandemic. When needed, compensatory services will help ensure that any remaining gaps due to the pandemic are addressed and that students are set up for success in their current academic programs.

Is my child eligible for compensatory services?

All students with IEPs will be considered for compensatory services. Whether your child requires compensatory services is a decision that will be made at the IEP meeting and will be based on whether your child has any remaining skill regression or gaps in expected progress towards IEP goals due to the learning disruption caused by the pandemic.

Do I need to request compensatory services for my child?

Families do not need to take any action for compensatory services to be considered. All IEP meetings will include a conversation about whether compensatory services are required and, if so, how they will be provided. You may request an IEP meeting at any time if you believe that your child requires compensatory services or a change in their regular program or related service recommendations. 

What if my child’s IEP meeting is not due to be held until later in the year?

If you believe your child may require compensatory services to address gaps in progress or skill regression as a result of the pandemic and their IEP meeting is not scheduled to be held until later in the year, you can request an earlier IEP meeting. This may result in your child’s annual review being held on an earlier date than otherwise anticipated.

When will services be provided?

Whenever possible, compensatory services will be provided during the school day. In some instances (and with family agreement), services may be provided outside of the school day, including as part of the DOE’s Sensory Education, Exploration and Discovery Program (SEED), see next section on this page for more information on the SEED program. 

Who do I contact if I need support? 

Your first point of contact KAPPA III is Professor Deynes, who can be reached at ddeynes@kappaiii.school


If you need additional support, please email sers@schools.nyc.gov or call 311. As with other decisions made by the IEP team, you have the right to dispute compensatory services determinations. For more information, including a copy of the Procedural Safeguards Notice, visit Your Rights